Mabua Harley-Davidson Authorized backwards!

Finally, Harley-Davidson Surrender of Market Share Indonesia - After about a week ago terdnegar news that PT Mabua Harley-Davidson (MHD) and PT Mabua Motor of Indonesia (MMI) reported about to surrender, the news has now been proven to be true. Because yesterday precisely on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 the company officially announced the termination of the distribution of motorcycle brand Harley-Davidson.

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The official announcement of Mabua is done directly at the head office which also mnejadi showroom of MHD and MMI. Its location in Ciputat Raya, Pondok Pinang, South Jakarta. The company was formally declared its decline on the same occasion by presenting their Customer Gathering of directors and officials of the MRA Group, the media also some representatives from the community and HDCI HOG.

In a speech given directly by Djonnie Rahmat as the President Director of MHD and MMI, the institute said that in fact the last few years that passed into a very tough time passed. The fact that is not in line with expectations, seems to make the company no longer able to bear the loss even more economic problems increasingly bankrupt because declining purchasing power yangdiakibatkan by the selling price of Harley-Davidson were very expensive because of the tax.

In the excerpt quoted from KompasOtomotif, Thursday (11/02/2016), "With a heavy day, we announced to no longer as the brand holder Harley-Davidson in Indonesia. We've been working to survive, who knows the conditions can change. We will finish everything as good as possible with full responsibility, "so the phrase Djonnie announcing its decline.

Djonnie later confirmed that his decision is purely because of their relatives, no other factors whatsoever. Because the company is no longer able to bear the loss of the more prolonged is also getting bigger. This is due to the exchange rate is also declining. Even the loss was also due to the tax burden of 300 percent, which in turn inevitably company must membanderol price is very expensive for Harley-Davidson. This is the main cause of the decline in purchasing power.

Kemudain Djonnie closing his remarks with thanks to the support of the public and consumers against Mabua since 2007 earlier today.

Then, what will happen next Mabua? Read also prune Employee Contracts After Suzuki Motor Sales Down and PT Kawasaki Motor Indonesia Launches Ninja 250 LTD

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